About MTNet

  • In the past, our maritime industry has achieved brilliant results under the joint efforts of all walks of life. However, in the face of today's competitive environment that emphasizes immediate and rapid response, in order to continue to maintain its advantages, it must have a new approach. The use of information technology to enhance the competitiveness of the port and improve the operational efficiency of the maritime service industry has become the direction of the current concerted efforts of the government and the industry.

    In January of the 86th year of the "Republic Era", in order to achieve the goal of economic transformation, the government proposed to develop Taiwan into an Asia-Pacific operation center, based on the development of shipping transshipment centers, air transport (passenger/goods) centers and telecom centers, to establish Taiwan into the Asia-Pacific region. Manufacturing centers, financial centers, and media centers can leverage the high added value benefits of system integrators at the top of the industrial pyramid. Among the implementation plans of the marine transshipment center project, the construction of the "maritime information communication system", which combines the development of information and communication, simplifies the operation of the port, improves the shipping operation process and improves the processing efficiency to achieve the shipping and port operations. Handle the ideal realm of automation to enhance international competitiveness.

    MTNet's full name in English: Maritime Transport Network

  • Review and streamline shipping-related operations, automate shipping operations, and promote electronic data exchange to achieve a paperless realm. Its specific guidelines include:

    • Update the business management application system and strengthen the connection function.
    • Establish a shipping database to share resources.
    • Promote the application of electronic data exchange operations.
    • Establish a port information network.
    • Establish a shipping information network.
    • Promote a sound communication network infrastructure.
  • Port Business

    The relevant services of the Port Authority include three major businesses: navigation, harbor and stack.

    Shipping Business

    Domestic and foreign shipping related business (such as: ship transportation industry, shipping agency industry, shipping contracting industry, container terminal, or terminal operator).

    Customs Clearance

    The shipping clearance business under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance.

    Other Business

    Including import and export trade, finance, foreign affairs, security, quarantine and other services.

    Communication Service

    Communication needs arising from the exchange of business information mentioned above.

  • 港區通行證系統維運負責人潘建宏,MTNet系統維運負責人:曾敏傑,航政監理系統維運負責人:曾介宏,通行證維運組總負責人:潘建宏,系統維護:賴志欣、陳宣志。客戶服務組總負責人:葉意婷,客服人員:日班8席、夜班1席。硬體設備維運組總負責人:許志如,網路管理:許志如,硬體維護:賴宇翰、許甘宜。首頁系統維運組總負責人:曾敏傑,網頁維護:陳佑宗、蔡佳閔、林詩婉,美工設計:林思吟。推廣服務組總負責人:林裕文,業務助理:游琇雰。應用系統維運組總負責人:潘建宏,系統維護:黃瀞萱、黃則霖。航政監理維運組總負責人:曾介宏,系統維運:魏碧盈、莊惠如、黃可期、辜天壽、林偉琦、楊素芬、黃致祥、陳詩雅、楊宜靜、楊婉嫆、謝志祥。

  • Market Trend

    Because it is surrounded by the sea, Taiwan has the advantage of shipping geographical conditions in its innate nature, and has internationally competitive production and processing technology. It has a high level of education and rapid development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Together with good port facilities and strong sea and air. The transportation team, therefore, not only important materials depend on the transportation of the sea, but also have the advantages and opportunities to form an international logistics area. In recent years, the throughput of all ports has increased year by year, and the business prospects of the shipping industry are promising. Therefore, it can drive the growth of MTNet business.


    (1)Featured Positioning: Professional website for logistics, cash flow and information flow for the shipping industry. Through the construction of MTNet, the optimization and integration of the shipping industry resources, and gradually make the information application of the shipping industry from decentralization to integration, from diverse to standard, from general data processing to intelligent information processing, so as to improve the informationization level of the shipping industry. We will comprehensively enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the maritime industry and promote the internationalization of the maritime industry with the informationization of the maritime industry.

    (2)Value Positioning: Provides a variety of necessary shipping industry service functions.

    • The basic business of the port: the service fee of the port, the port state, the navigation supervision, the harbor stack and other systems.
    • Logistics extension business: Port Authority container (object) access control station data exchange center, container dynamic data transmission and exchange system.
    • Press Release Related Business: MTNet Information Interworking Platform.
    • Community related business.
    • Interface with other platforms: Connect with the government's common platform.
    • Interacting with other international systems: International integration of dangerous goods declarations, English website of the Port State System, English website of the Sea Technician System.
    • Mobile communication related services: Airport port mobile communication.
    • Cash Flow related business: Electronic payment system.
    • Shipping related business: booking bill of lading system.