East Taiwan Maritime affairs center

East Taiwan Maritime affairs center

Address: No. 15, Gangkou Road., Hualien City


  • Car

    Take the 9 Line to the south to Fuqian Road, turn right at the intersection of Fuqian Road and Hua Road, go straight to Zhongmei Road, turn left and turn to the intersection of Jilin Road and turn right until you reach the end; Taijiu Line Towards the direction of Zhongmei Road in the north, go straight along Zhongmei Road to the intersection with Jilin Road and turn right until you reach the end.

  • Bus

    Please take Hualien Passenger Transport (137 Zhongshan Road, Hualien City, TEL: 03-8338146), Airport Line 1123 (Hua Lian Railway Station - Hualien Airport, about 20 minutes by car), please get off at Meilun Hotel Station and walk along Yihua Road. → Turn left to Zhongmei Road → turn right to Jilin Road to the port intersection where the center is located.

    Please refer to Hualien passenger bus shuttle time inquiry

  • Train

    After getting off at Hualien Railway Station, you can take the city bus (refer to the “Urban Bus” in the previous section) or take the taxi directly to the center.

    Please refer to Train time inquiry system

  • Airplane

    After arriving at Hualien Air Station, you can take the city bus (refer to the previous section “Urban Bus” for instructions) or take the taxi directly to the center.

    Please refer to Aircraft time inquiry system

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