Call for Bids to Develop New Water and Land Recreation Corridor Spanning Wharf Nos. 13 – 16 at the Port of Hualien

  • Release date:2019/05/20
  • Number of views:3480
  • Category:HualienPort
In line with the Executive Yuan-approved “Overall Planning for Future Development and Construction at Taiwan’s International Commercial Ports: 2017-2021”, the Port of Hualien is in the process of reorienting its operations to focus on tourism in its inner harbor area and cargo / commerce in its outer harbor area. The outer harbor will retain primary cargo-handling functions and facilities, while the inner harbor will be renovated as a multipurpose wharf recreation area in order to revitalize and maximize available port resources. In order to achieve planning-related goals, the Port of Hualien has announced the “Wharf Nos. 13 – 16 Water and Land Recreation Corridor” bid and associated bidder requirements. Port officials look to this initiative to utilize available land and buildings at the port to diversify commercial port operations and maximize port value and impact while actively promoting the sea-tourism and transportation potentialities of Taiwan’s ‘Blue Highway’. A statement by the Port of Hualien notes that the area addressed in the current bid announcement covers 3.68ha, and includes land adjacent to Wharf Nos. 13 – 16, Wharf No. 14 warehouse facilities, and Wharf Nos. 15 and 16. This bid is being offered on a one-time bid basis, with development of the area to proceed over several phases. The entire area will be wholly invested in, planned, developed, and managed by the winning bidder and used as a base of Blue Highway operations, visitor services, and/or land and water recreation services. To maximize investor interest and investment, this bid offering adopts the practice of much larger development projects in terms of including the granting of superficies rights as part of the bid. This is expected to encourage landowner and investor to fully realize the potential of project land, increase investor participation, and achieve an optimal win-win result. Bids will be accepted until 09:00 (am) on June 17th, 2019. Bid documents (in Chinese) may be downloaded via the Chinese-language websites of either TIPC or the Port of Hualien. Investors interested in working together with the port to build an enticing and profitable future for recreation and tourism at the Port of Hualien are encouraged to submit a competitive bid.